Friday, February 18, 2011

Quote from The Friendly Persuasion

Forced to rest my arms and hands. My shoulder joints are crying from I'm not sure what. Hunching them up too much in the cold weather? Too much knitting? Too much gazing at the computer screen and/or typing? Fibromyalgia? Even reading can make my body hurt. Hard to find a balance between rest and activity.

This 1940's Quaker quote from The Friendly Persuasion by Jessamyn West, made me smile:

"Spring's a various season ... no two years the same: comes in with rains, mud deep enough to swallow horse and rider; comes in cold, snow falling so fast it weaves a web; comes in with a warm wind blowing about thy ears and bringing a smell of something flowering, not here, but southaways, across the Ohio, maybe in Kentucky. Nothing here now but a smell of melting snow - which is no smell at all but a kind of prickle in the nose like a bygone sneeze. Comes in so various, winter put by and always so welcome."
For me, the bright clear song of a cardinal in the very tip-top of a bare tree on a Februrary morning says winter is about to move on.

1 comment:

  1. Rigtig god bedring med dine arme, hænder og skuldre, Suzanne!
    Den lille fugl er meget, meget smuk! Tak for dine ord hos mig!
